LAST week I wrote an editorial about depression and the reaction to it has been astounding. Social media reacted extremely positively to the comments I made, and the message was retweeted and shared on various platforms.

The extent to which depression is a problem is still unknown, largely due to the fact that many carry the burden with them secretly. For that reason I am making another appeal this week to anyone who is troubled by such feelings. Your family and friends will understand how you feel and offer their support. It is up to you to reach out to them.

Professional support is available in many ways, from your doctor to the many organisations and charities who make helping people in need their priority. Again, it just needs you to ask for help. Doing so is not a weakness; indeed it shows great courage and strength. Ask for that help today and know that there is a world of love and support for you.

For those who know or suspect that a friend or family member may be unwell, down or quiet, reach out to them in some simple way, letting them know that you are there and will listen.

While my editorial had much to say, there was some very useful advice in last week’s paper on our new health page. I would urge people to keep that page somewhere. It contains many pieces of good, simple advice.

I was particularly moved to see a message sent to Dr Adrian McGoldrick by a fellow professional and which contained the following:

“A lovely article, reader friendly and accurate. I love this quote; the most powerful messages are often the most simple ones. Something for us all to remember while we care for others.”


  • The greatest pleasure in life is love
  • The greatest treasure is contentment
  • The greatest possession is health
  • The greatest ease is sleep
  • The greatest medicine is a true friend
  • Messages such as these are not for sharing once in a while. They need constant affirmation.

    I was also touched by the comment on Facebook that said it’s “Nice to see an ‘industry paper’ take on a matter like this. Great leadership.” Thank you one and all. Stay well.