BAILEYS Foal Assist is a vitamin and trace mineral formulation for suckling foals, designed to supplement the micronutrient levels of the dam’s milk, particularly when she is producing large volumes of milk of poor nutritional quality or during the natural decline in milk quality as lactation progresses. It’s also suitable for rapidly growing foals and supplies the additional micronutrients they need without carbohydrate calories which could exacerbate the problem.

High energy diets, eg lush, spring grass, accompanied by insufficient minerals, are the main cause of nutrition-related growth problems as they stimulate the foal to grow quickly yet don’t supply the nutritional building blocks for developing body tissue. Foal Assist was developed to help provide these nutrients and is available in an easy-to-use syringe or highly palatable liquid.

For information and advice contact Baileys Horse Feeds on 01371-850247, or visit