HORSE Sport Ireland hosted its first information roadshow of 2018 on Tuesday night, based on the topic Marketing Your Equestrian Event.
The free roadshow was held in Tipperary’s Horse and Jockey Hotel.
Speakers on the night included Finola Howard (Digital Marketing Expert), Jamie Macken (Deputy MD One Core - Sponsorship) and Eoin Conroy (Titan Experience – Customer Experience and Engagement).
Attendees found the roadshow to be informative and beneficial to equine businesses owners, show organisers, individual competition/livery yards and riders.
Lisa Rothwell who attended the roadshow said: “I found all of the speakers incredibly helpful, engaging and their knowledge invaluable and I can’t wait to put into practice what we were taught! I would highly recommend anyone looking to publicise their organisation/club/event and gain sponsorship to attend.”
The next information roadshow will take place in the Cavan Crystal Hotel, Co Cavan on March 27th at 6.30pm.
This event is free of charge and should not be missed by any equestrian enthusiast wanting to further improve and promote their equestrian business.
HSI’s International Marketing Director, Elaine Hatton, said: “I am delighted with the first information roadshow. We are very fortunate to have three expert speakers on digital marketing, sponsorship and customer engagement. There is a huge amount to be learned from these speakers and I think that as an industry we have the raw materials needed to be the very best. We need to learn from the best on how we can promote our assets and businesses.”
If you are planning to attend the next information roadshow in Cavan this Tuesday, March 27th, it is important that you register your interest with Horse Sport Ireland as spaces are limited.