WHAT a great community atmosphere there was in the Iveagh Foxhounds kennels, as it seemed that the whole countryside turned up. A table was set up in one of the outbuildings and people brought bottles, sandwiches, cakes and boxes of chocolates. But the mulled wine took centre stage – the jumping juice that works miracles when the riders get mounted.

There is something special about the hunt, as it is such an important hub for men, women and children to meet, greet and renew old friendships and make new ones. It is completely underestimated the role the hunt plays in rural life that can often be so isolating. And the hunt knackery that keeps the countryside and the environment clean of fallen stock is another year-round format for farmers to meet, even if it is in circumstances where they have lost stock and consequently much-needed income. That is the downside of farming, especially in this area that has so many dairy herds.