UCD Equestrian Club recently hosted this year’s intervarsity Colours competition – an annual event which sees the equestrian clubs of University College Dublin (UCDEC), Trinity College Dublin (DUEC) and Royal College of Surgeons (RCSI) compete against one another in Dressage, Prix Caprilli and Showjumping. The event was held at Brennanstown Riding School, Kilmacanogue, Co. Wicklow.

Twenty riders started in round one of dressage where competitors complete their test in groups of three. There are six horses on rotation for the duration of this round, and each rider is judged against those who were riding the same horse. Therefore, six riders go through to complete the second round, where only two horses are used. The same judging technique is applied, leaving just two finalists for the third test, which includes shoulder-in, half-pass and half-pirouette.