I WOULD like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have assisted me in passing my Pony Club A Test. Having moved away to train with Chris Bartle and work for Nicola Wilson as work rider I rejoined the East Antrim Branch this year, specifically to take my A Test. No sooner had training for the A Horsemastership part of the test started, lockdown kicked in.

It would have been easy to give up but Liz Lowry of Area 17, Fran McCormick (East Down) and David Kirkpatrick (instructor) were not to be thwarted and Zoom sessions commenced with assistance from David Turley MRCVS (veterinary), Karen Dixon (lunging, ride and lead), Katie Grimwood (nutrition) and my mother, Georgia (breeding).

The syllabus was covered and the socially distanced exam held at Caroline de Montorency-Wright’s in June when lockdown eased. Thanks to Rachelle Harding, Penny Sangster, Jill Delaney, Mark Robinson, Laura Brown-McCann, Mandi King and Emma Brown, I passed with Honours.

As the summer passed it seemed that there might not be an A Test Riding held this year but finally a date of October 7th was announced at Talland Equestrian Centre in Gloucestershire. I had to travel alone due to Covid-19 and thought the test (lunging, training the young horse, three horses to jump and three on the flat) went well but had to endure six days waiting for results.

My final thanks go to Hayley Cunningham and Penny Murphy from the EAPC who have supported and encouraged me to take the test. I’d also like to say thanks to my coaches over the years, especially Lisa Dundee who has been there throughout. This is not the end of my association with the Pony Club but a beginning, as I have started to teach the junior members of this exceptional youth organisation.

Yours etc,

Lucca Stubington

Sweet Wall Eventing,

Co Antrim