THERE has always been outstanding talented lady competitors in show jumping from an early age, but it is somewhat disappointing that so few continue to the top level, and follow in the footsteps of the greats such as Iris Kellett, Jessica Kürten, and Marion Hughes (to mention just a few).

It is a very competitive sport, one of the few sports where men and women compete at the same level, but now there are encouraging signs for the future with new names appearing like Noelle Barry, Sophie Slattery, Susan Fitzpatrick, Nicola FitzGibbon and Jenny Rankin.

Now, in an excellent article by Emer Bermingham in the Irish Horse World of April 4th, we have Jessica Burke who has just moved to the famous Arion Stud, and has taken her string of horse with her, owned by astute Irish supporters.

I have always followed Jessica’s progress with great interest since her outstanding success in her pony years. She is a member of a very exclusive group of young athletes who have represented their country at four European Pony Championships, (2004 team bronze, 2005, 2006, 2007 team bronze with chef d’equipe Ian Fearon and her trainer Ralph Conroy). She is unique in being the only pony rider in the 32 years of the Owners Pony Charity Show to be placed in the 128 (2nd), 138 (1st) and the 148 (2nd) Grand Prix in the same year and the same day. I will continue to follow this talented young lady in her progress at the top level of show jumping and wish her success.

Yours etc,

Keith M. Griffin



Co Kildare