UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who famously likened himself to the popular comic book character, ‘The Incredible Hulk’, in his ongoing battle to take the UK out of the EU, effectively rolls the biggest political dice imaginable this evening in a bid to pull off a historic House of Commons vote in favour of the 11th hour deal.

The stakes could not be higher for both Britain and Ireland.

At Monday’s highly informative, and at times almost frightening, Horse Sport Ireland ‘No Deal’ Brexit Seminar, an expert panel outlined what would be involved when it came to moving horses and goods between Ireland and the UK.

A head-spinning description of extra paperwork, logistical planning, veterinary checks, rules and regulations would come to pass. The Halloween deadline is extremely apt – scary isn’t the word!

If the numbers roll his way in Westminister this evening, PM Johnson will have indeed achieved what seemed impossible on so many occasions over the last three years.

The lights over London may indeed well turn green if that happens.

Let’s fervently hope that the big vote goes through tonight or we may find ourselves turning green for a different reason!