COLONEL Billy Ringrose’s name is synonymous with a golden era in Irish show jumping and so it is fitting that a book on his life’s achievements is soon to be launched at the RDS, the scene of so many of his triumphs.

Fergal Ringrose has written and published a memoir of his father’s life and equestrian career, including nearly 80 images taking the reader back in time to his days as a rider on the international show jumping circuit in the 1950s and 1960s.

In an extraordinary riding career, Col Ringrose won six individual international show jumping Grands Prix and seven Nations Cup team events, including being part of the first mixed Army-civilian team to win the coveted Aga Khan Trophy in 1963, along with Tommy Wade, Seamus Hayes and Diana Connolly-Carew.

Later, Ringrose became commanding officer of the Army Equitation School and chef d’equipe of the Irish team. He was chef when the great team of Paul Darragh, James Kernan, Eddie Macken and Capt. Con Power won their famous three-in-a-row Aga Khan Cup victory in 1979.

Watch this space for the post launch report of what is sure to be a much sought after equestrian memoir.