FOR the hardy individuals who enjoy taking a wintertime swim in the sea, dry robes are as much a part of lockdown language as sourdough bread and Tiktok danceoffs. Over in Connemara, Kevin Bolger has undertaken his version of the Freezebury challenge by taking the plunge in the Atlantic every day during February.

Often used as a fundraiser during this month, Freezebury involves increasing the length of the daily dip by one minute per day until the end of February. Kevin’s version, known as Freezepony, saw him start off with 60 seconds on the first day of Spring and aiming towards a teeth-chattering target of 28 minutes on the final day.

“It’s not as hard as I thought so far. It is cold, that’s for sure but once you’re in the water, time flies. Day eight was the hardest so far and to be honest if days 27/28 are as cold as that, it will be tough. I look forward to doing it each day and I’m really looking forward to getting to the finish line.”

An iDonate link has been set up on the ‘Freezepony Connemara 2021’ Facebook page, where you can watch the daily videos from Coral Strand beach.

Kevin hopes to raise €3,000 and the two beneficiaries are local charity, Connemara Therapeutic Riding and plans for a commemorative statue in the Connemara Pony Breeders Society showgrounds to mark its cententary in 2023.

Super cause

“I want to thank everyone that has contributed so far. Connemara Therapeutic Riding is a super cause and I’d love to be able to help them out in the purchase of specialised equipment. I feel very passionate about our Connemara pony and I really think there should be a commemorative statue put up to honor the Connemara pony in Clifden.”

“I’d like to wish Kevin every success with his challenge,” added CPBS president Ann Marie Conroy.