IF you see clerk of the course Lorcan Wyer leaning on his trusty stick a bit more than usual, here’s why. Lorcan recently completed a 17-hour cycle in aid of the Jack & Jill Foundation.

Jack & Jill funds and provides in-home nursing care for children with highly complex medical conditions up to the age of six and provides end of life care for children under six, regardless of the diagnosis. Parents call the service the ‘gift of time’.

The cycle involved a total climb of 8,848 metres, the equivalent of climbing Mount Everest.

This worldwide challenge has three conditions - one hill repeated, no time limit, and no sleep.

Lorcan was one of only four in his 10-man group from Naas Cycling Club to complete the endeavour and apparently only 17,100 people in the world have ever managed it.

You can make a donation by searching justgiving.com for ‘Lorcan’s Everest Challenge’.