Richard Hoiles @RichardHoiles

Is it all so smooth with Enable. Tactical speed and a sustained kick. Super mare. Just a different level. Season ups a notch @Sandownpark in the Eclipse.

Charlie Hunkin @Charliehunkin

She’s everything every girl should aspire to be. Delay having babies, focus on career, take extended holidays and come back like you’ve never been away. Absolute Queen. #Enable

benacurtis @benacurtis

Great day @haydockraces with Kelly’s Dino getting his head in front to win the #OldNewtonCup2019 great effort by all @SpigotLodge @karl_burke Racing & congrats to his owner Liam Kelly who’ll no doubt have missed his flight home!

Denis Coakley @deniscoakley11

Did search through BHA Stewards reports, in last 12 months, only two UK trainers questioned pre-race regarding integrity concerns. Both were at same track on same day. Totally disproportionate questioning of Irish trainers concerned in proportion to number of UK trainer runners

Brian Keenan @keenan_brian

Great crowds and lovely atmosphere in @RoscommonRaces over the 2 days. Huge effort being put in there by all involved, a place that is improving year on year.

Will Aitkenhead @willaitkenhead

This is a really positive step forward for British racing. Sectional timing data is not only useful/interesting to supporters and punters but will also provide benefits for integrity, handicapping and welfare purposes.

Nick Seddon @NickSeddon_

See Double You is 301 days older than Cori Gauff.