“NOW it’s all passion, heart stopping… If you can bear to look, just listen,” Marty Morrissey cried as Kerry’s Bryan Sheehan stood over the final free kick in last Sunday’s All-Ireland semi-final.

It’s been difficult to compare the GAA coverage on RTÉ against that on Sky through the season. Sky promised “See GAA Differently” but apart from the lists of statistics, there’s been little more to see that filled that bill.

In fairness, Sky have been a bit unlucky in that the fireworks have been a bit muted this year and this was the first game that truly went down to the wire.

The RTÉ panelists may have not have changed in recent years but whether you like Joe Brolly or not, he’s likely to engage your attention as Colm O’Rourke throws his eyes to heaven at another off the wall utterance from his errant pupil. There’s a lack of spontaneity on Sky. It’s all just a bit too nice.

What works in a result studio doesn’t always transfer to the cut and thrust of pitch side on the spot analysis.