ROXY is a four-year-old terrier. She’s our first dog and we’ve had her since she was only six to eight weeks old.

“She was an abandoned pup. An equine dentist working in the area found her left in his jeep when he left a local stables. He brought her into Colin Bowe’s yard and I said I’d take her. When I brought her home, Bridget [my fiancee] loved her straight away.

“Nothing had been done with Roxy, so we got her vaccinated, microchipped and neutered. She was soon house-trained, she picks things up quickly. She’s is very obedient and very good with children, which is important as both Bridget and I have lots of little nieces and nephews and cousins.

“Bridget brings Roxy to the point-to-points every Sunday. At first Roxy was a bit carsick but that soon went. Neither Bridget nor Roxy come with me to the north on Saturdays – that’s a bit far!

“On Sundays we walk the track and often we let Roxy off without a lead. She never strays too far away or goes too near cars or chases horses. Obviously I can’t bring her into the changing tent with me but all the lads know Roxy well.

“Bridget and I are getting married next month, and Roxy will be off to Bridget’s mother while we are on honeymoon. That’s her second home anyway, so there won’t be a problem.”