THE old adage ‘no hoof, no horse’ has been used time and time again by many equestrian experts. A qualified farrier brings a high degree of skill, knowledge and expertise – acquired through a long apprenticeship, training and experience – to ensure your horse receives the best possible hoofcare. Horse owners should ensure they are using a fully qualified and registered farrier.

The Irish Master Farriers Association (IMFA), which was formed in the early 1970s to educate and inform farriers and to ensure that its members maintain a high professional standard for the horse owner, launched their new and improved website this week. The new website allows horse owners to find a qualified farrier and IMFA member in their area by simply clicking the ‘find a farrier’ tab on the homepage.

There is also plenty of advice and helpful tips for horse owners on hoofcare and working with their farrier to achieve the best possible outcome for each horse. The new IMFA website should be a horse owners go-to-guide for finding a farrier. More information is available on the new website: