WE have been trying hard to have a chat with the jet-setting Kelley Hutchinson of Hutchinson Sport Horses over the past couple of weeks but to no avail – the time difference between Ireland and countries on the other side of the Atlantic not helping matters.

First up, we wanted to discuss the superb win of her good friend Caroline Pamukcu (née Martin) with HSH Connor two weeks ago in the CCI3*-L at Fair Hill in Maryland. There, the rider also landed the East Coast four-year-old championship on HSH Afterglow and was third in the five-year-old division with HSH Hooligan. No, didn’t happen.

Then last week, Kelley attended the Pan American Games in Santiago, Chile, where Pamukcu, on her senior squad debut, won individual gold and team silver for the United States on HSH Blake (see page 83). Surely our friend from Co Kilkenny would now be heading back to the old sod and we would have a chance to catch up. No, not a bit of it.

And why not? Because over the past few days, Ms Hutchinson has been in California, at Galway Downs, Temecula in fact, where five horses with HSH prefixes have been entered in a huge number of classes, which run from Junior Starter to CCI4*-L.

Perhaps she will be home then or, who knows, next stop Florida perhaps?