IF it were to happen, and it should, I can clearly imagine the impact of a poster campaign to promote Irish hunters of Jack Lambert, hunting his Irish Draught stallions jumping a chasm of a Wexford double bank. While most octogenarians who have hunted for more than 75 seasons usually contemplate retirement, not so the rising 84-year-old Wexford horseman and stallion master Jack Lambert.

Consider also that hunting with the Killinick Harriers is not for the faint-hearted. There are no easy options as in some other hunt countries, like waiting for the followers to knock down a wall, or transform a drain into a walkthrough. Jack has his own strategy of crossing country which is to ‘make’ country by taking what he refers to as a ‘virgin line’. Recently in his enthusiastic way, he explained that at a meet in Murrinstown, 12 riders fell at one double bank, and then added: “But not me!”